16/04/2012, Saat: 18:49
Alıntı:To whom it may concern,
In Turkey we can easily find rapira stainless blades however Voskhod blades haven’t been introduced to the market here. Although there is an importer of Mostochlegmash in our country and we asked them to import those blades our request was returned. The importer told us that unless we buy 12 boxes of blades at once (it makes 48000 blades), they cannot import Voskhod. Since we are last users and we neither operate barber shops nor are wholesalers we are not capable of buying such high amount of blades. We gather around a forum (http://www.geltir.com) of Turkish traditional wet shavers and we really want you to help us to reach those blades.
Best Regards
sifujack hocamdan gelen çeviri yukarıdadır firmaya gönderilmesi rica olunur
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