Tabac Gaziantep Organize Sanayide Mi Üretiliyor

Derby'dir o..

Kedidir kedi..
Daha yeni bir dolu para verip tabac aldim united kingdomdan. Bugün antepte üretildiğini duyuyorum. Zamanlama manidar...
Dear Mr.

thank you for your e-mail and your interest shown in our company and our products.

We are proud being owner of the historical brand Tabac Original and to offer a huge portfolio.

In your e-mail you mention our product Tabac Original Soap.

In answer to your question we would like to inform you, that the Tabac Original Luxury Soap as well as the Tabac Original Shaving Soap are produced in Germany.

Both articles are of German origin.

I hope, my answer is of help for you.

Best regards/ Freundliche Grüße
Gema Hurtado Carrasco
Area Management Support
International Sales
Tel.: +49 (0) 2402 89 2701
Fax.:+49 (0) 2402 89 2306
Zweifaller Str. 120 · 52224 Stolberg · Germany
sanki kivirdilar ))))
Dear Mr.

I have read your e-mail and I am wondering why such rumors are spread.

I just can repeat the fact, that these items are manufactured and packed in Germany.

For information about our brand Tabac Original please visit our website:

Have a nice day!

Best regards/ Freundliche Grüße
Gema Hurtado Carrasco
Area Management Support
International Sales
Tel.: +49 (0) 2402 89 2701
Fax.:+49 (0) 2402 89 2306
Zweifaller Str. 120 · 52224 Stolberg · Germany

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